Monday, September 21, 2009

Gravity Canyon

Sunday 20th September

Sunday we drove 3 hours up to Gravity Canyon to do the Flying Fox and Bungee jump. Gravity Canyon is in the area of NZ where they filmed Middle Earth for Lord of the Rings - the scenery is awesome - no it wasn't digied - it really is that awesome!

Gravity Canyon is 300 feet deep and the Flying Fox is a wire that is suspended above the canyon with an aerial runway along it 300 feet high. This is where you can also Bungee Jump, Jame sand Chris did the tandem jump which is the highest tandem swing in the world (80m), Robb has already done a bungee so he gave it a miss this time. Nigel and I didn't do it this time but we are going to do it when Ben and Sonia are out in November.

I have included a clip of the boys doing the Flying Fox. Tommorrow we are off to Christchurch for a few days - will send photo's!

Just a few words to the guys who are graduating tommorrow - I will be thinking of you and will be expecting loads of photo's! AS wishes she was there with you - I will be thinking about you!

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