Sunday, January 3, 2010

Just another Lazy day ............

Well what have we done over the weekend? mainly lazing around on the foredeck - going for a swim - or drinking beer! life is tough here in Curacao!

Well not everything has been so easy - Nigel and Ted have done some work and I have done the laundry. Next time you are loading your washing machine please spare a thought for me - I feel like some medieval washer woman. Life does have some little pleasures though - the 'ice cream' boat comes round after lunch time - this also doubles as the water/ice delivery bouser. Gossip has it on the scuttlebutt that the icecream man is also a male stripper at the brothel here in Curacao. Curacao belongs to Holland so is very liberal with its laws, prostitution is legal here and apparently it is home to the biggest brothel in the Caribbean. Personally - looking at him I wouldn't pay good money for him to take his clothes off!

Our Swedish neighbours continue to be a source of entertainment - Nigel and Ted don't know where to look when 'her next door' goes for a shower. Poor Nigel was cooking dinner the other night and through the galley hatch he got 'boobed' by the elderly neighbour - put him right off his meal. Now I'm sure if it was a boat full of twenty year olds things would be slightly different me thinks!

We are hoping that our electrician is going to turn up tommorrow - if not we are setting off for Cartagena in Colombia. We have a great weather window and we really need to be gone before storm force winds and big seas start to build off the Rio Magdalena, this is one place you don't need to be in high winds. The guys on Troutbridge; the catamaran behind us departed yesterday afternoon bound for Cartagena - no doubt we will catch up with them along the way. They're also going across the Pacific same route as us - in a slightly more luxurious style than us I might add! but when I went over for a 'cup of Earl Grey' the other day I got bitten to pieces - me thinks they have 'company' onboard as my Mum would say!
The picture is the view from Honale's foredeck across Spanish Waters

1 comment:

  1. Sharon,

    What an adventure reading your blog. Your trip sounds wonderous and you describe it sooo well! Can't wait until the next chapters. Glad to hear you and Nigel are well and the trip is evolving. We're also happy you celebrated Christmas and New Years in the "traditional" manner...or not! Good for you guys. Veering off from the status quo adds spice to life. You guys are living proof! We're proud of you for doing it too!! Well, off we go. We'll chat soon.

    Fair winds and following seas,

    Your Friends,

    Jason and Heather
