Saturday, July 3, 2010

Tahiti and a position Update

Well its been nearly 2 months since my last update - and yes there is lots to update you with.

Tahiti was fabulous - very expensive,lush, green and exotic. Our first week was spent in the capital Pappetee, it was so good to be alongside a jetty with running water and electric. The last time we had had either of these luxuries was in Panama which seemed an eternity ago. I really didn't care that I had the population of Papeetee watching me having a shower on the jetty as they commuted into work, I was just soooo please to have fresh water to wash my hair with!

Just a short walk from the boat was the fruit and veg market, quite disappointing really, after coming from the Marquessa's where just about everything imaginable grows (and is free) what was on offer here was a bit of a come down, not only was there little choice it was also extortionate - £15 for a bag of 5 oranges! But, it was nice to get in a bit of retail therapy.

I flew home to New Zealand for a brief visit to get our residency visa's and to catch up with Robb and Heather. Before I left Nigel and I had a couple of days in a hotel - sheer bliss I tell you - hot running water - a toilet that didn't require you to brace yourself with your legs up the wall - media overload with a flat screen TV - internet - wow died and gone to heaven I tell you!

Just before I left Sara and Norman sailed in from the Tuamoto's, they'd had a great time, partied on the beach and dived for pearls. A great shame that we missed the Tuamoto's (this time) perhaps if we do it again we will get a chance to go see what we missed.

Anyhow I will post some photo's on this update for you and fill you in on the rest of Tahiti and Moorea in my next entry.

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