Sunday, October 11, 2009

End of the World Beach

After a few days of bad weather, it was good to get out again. After shopping at the outdoor Sunday market (a farmers market really) we went to the 'End Of The World Beach', which is to the south east of Wellington, at the tip of Palliser Bay.

The gales of the last few days meant that there was still a good swell running in the Cook Straits and the breakers were quite impressive. The beaches were isolated; desolate would perhaps be a better description and quite frankly unlike anything you would ever see in the UK. After the usual 20 mile walk (well it felt like 20 miles anyway); we got to the Seal colony that was still inhabited by a few Fur Seals. I believe they use the area during the winter and then move out to sea as the weather improves. They lay around soaking up the sun and allow you to get quite close before they get agitated (some of them are big buggers and you wouldn't want to meet one in a dark alley on a stormy night).

By the time we got back to the car, everybody was ready for a rest, so we got Victor to drive us home so we could all have a nap in the car (who said grumpy doesn't have a use).

We are watching the long range forecast at the moment as we are keen to go up to Auckland for a week or so in a campervan. We would like to tour Northlands and Ninety Mile Beach which is to the the north of Auckland, we are really keen to go to The Bay of Islands which from the picutes looks subtropical with beautiful white beaches. The past 2 weeks has seen snow, sleet, hail and plenty of gale force winds - welcome to spring New Zealand style!

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