Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Garlic prawns and a ghost town.

The drive from Rotorua to Napier involved a stop in Taupu for a spot of ‘Prawn Fishing’ with Rob and Heather. To say prawn fishing is an adventure activity in the slow lane, is an understatement. If you have never tried it, don’t bother, it is honestly as boring as it sounds; however it did mean with had some time with R & H. The only good bit is that they will cook all you eat (our ‘Pinchy’; that’s what I named him, was really yummy when lightly cooked in olive oil and garlic). R& H caught 2 – so we had 3 between 4 of us.

We then drove down to Napier which is in the heart of wine producing country, however nobody seemed to be in……..honest, the place was empty, we thought we had perhaps come across a town after a nuclear holocaust. Apparently the place is really popular as a holiday destination, however if you have petrol in your car, keep going. It’s very Art Deco and was a home of the Arts & Craft movement in the 1920’s – beautiful old houses but not somewhere I would like to settle.
Back to Wellington tomorrow.
A spot of prawn fishing
Mt Rupehu from Taupo

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