Saturday, October 17, 2009


Pretty much a full-on day. After an initial walk around the city centre first thing, we caught the ferry over to Devonport; which is on the other side of Auckland Harbour. The forecast had been for heavy rain all day, however as it was still dry, we decided to give it a go. It was very much like the north eastern coastal states of the USA and gave us the feeling of being back in a New England seaside resort. For those of you who have been there it’s a bit like the Marblehead area and just as pricey – very kitsch.

Upon returning to the capital we jumped aboard one of the Team Emirates Americas Cup yachts for a sail around Auckland harbour. It’s not often you get the chance to sail a world class racing yacht and we couldn’t turn down the offer!

These boats are pure racing sleds, they accelerate very quickly and loved the 10 knots of breeze that was blowing, however things got rather more exciting when the wind went up to 32 knots (they are not designed to sail in winds stronger than 21kts, so we had to double reef in pretty quick order). The ‘Rock Stars’ of the America’s cup won’t take these things out in more than 21knots – so hey we out-rocked the Rock Stars today! This being said, they remained very light on the helm and were never difficult to handle. Both Nigel and I got a shot on the helm, however I declined to ‘grind’ – didn’t think my health was quite up to it. As we were returning to the harbour, the promised downpour happened and we got soaked through.

We can see why they call this the City of Sails – wall to wall yachts and I bet on a summer’s day this place is even busier than the Solent - and that’s going some. For the guys at YRS, I gave the rigging a once over, they need new sheets and a new carbon mast and that comes in at $1 million – hey Dave think of the mark up on that!

It was so nice to be back out on the water again

Have just come back from seeing Mamma Mia at the theatre – had a great time - sang and danced all the way through! Saw some real sights tonight, some people dress up for the theatre out here - others don’t! Saw clothes that looked like they hadn’t been out of the wardrobe since the 50’s let alone the 70’s. Have to tell you about one old boy – dressed up to the nines in his best suit but looked a bit ‘country’, as he took his seat (right in the middle) he said ‘Good Day!’ to everyone he passed. Kind of reminded me of Mick ‘Crocodile’ Dundee as he walked around New York – he had a great time.

Anyhow today has been absolutely great and I have had a big smile all day – bombing around Auckland Harbour in an America’s Cup Race boat and dancing in the aisles at my favourite musical. As they say out here – ‘Sweet As Bro!’

Andy, Robb & James setting up NZ 1 America’s Cup Boat 2002
Nigel on the helm
Me – coming off the helm at the end of a downpour (looking like a drowned rat- but happy)

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