Friday, December 11, 2009

Guess What? Its HOT!

Well - we are still waiting here in Trinidad for the engine to be fixed. today it was put back together and then the engineer bent one of the rods! Everyone shuts down on the 18th for Crimbo - so It looks like we may still be here then! This is not the place I want to spend Christmas!

Stored ship today! A very hot bus trip in to Port of Spain to fight our way round the Trinadian Christmas shoppers - not pleasant!

I am going to keep this short today as it is as hot as hades at the moment and I am wilting very fast - I'm going for a swim and then out for dinner. When it is cooler I will sit down and describe some of our adventures in the past few days. My fear of snakes is lessening as the days get hotter - 500 yards by path in 92 degrees or 100 yards by field. Hell - I'll be Steve Erwin soon!

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