Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

A Merry Christmas to you all!

Well this is a very different kind of Christmas! At midnight last night the sky was lit up by hundreds of fireworks to welcome in Christmas Day, this was the start of our Christmas 2009 in Curacao.

Santa managed to find his way to Honalee depositing pressies at the foot of our mast, so after a leisurely breakfast (ie we have nothing else to do - and I can't exactly fit a turkey in the oven onboard) we opened our presents. One of Nigel's pressies from Steph & Mike was a mosquito bite zapper - this little beauty delivers 13 kilo vaults to the bite ie a taser for midgie bites - it is supposed to stop you itching the bite. It does this alright by paralysing you for half an hour or so! this could be a good pirate reppelor! Nice one Steph!

We will be dining aboard this evening - I have coddled together a Christmas Dinner of kinds - a ready cooked chicken in lieu of a turkey - even got some stuffing! Getting the trifel to set is going to be a bit of a b*gger though! Please think of me as you tuck into your tin of Quality Street - no such luxury here - but we do have some M&M's onboard!

Today we are going to spend time on the beach snorkeling and swimming. Earlier today we treated ourselves by digging the charts for the Pacific out of Deep Six storage, just to remind ourselves why we were actually sitting here waiting for a weather window to Panama. Some dedicate sailors left this morning at 7 am as they had a window going Eastwards - dedicated or miserable?

I have tried to upload photos but I need power from our wind generator to keep the computer running, and to do that I need plenty of wind - usually not a problem on Christmas Day!

Anyhow I will leave you by wishing you all a Happy and Peaceful Christmas!

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