Monday, December 28, 2009

Totally Illegal - but who cares!

Today we did something that was sooo illegal! But hey it felt good!

We turned up at the place where we were told we could purchase the 'good stuff' - furtive glances were given as we entered the given place. A man sidled up to us and whispered 'Are you the ones who made contact this morning?' if so come with me I have what you want out back! Please take a seat while I show you a sample of what you want - if its good I will arrange to get you some - come back in 3 hours! Three hours later we returned - he had what we wanted! he slid it over the desk after we paid the lady out front - we made a sharp exit with our 'stash' in Nigel's rucksack. We now have it stowed safely aboard Honalee!

Now before my poor old Dad has a heart attack or Karen in Canada thinks Nigel has succumbed to the evil weed what we actually went to buy was highly illegal photocopied sea charts. We paid a visit to the Xerox building in town where we were told they could provide us with dodgy copies of Admiralty charts that normally cost around $50+ each - they did them for us for $5. Totally illegal - but it probably pays for their tea boat.

This quick trip into town took from 9am this morning until 5pm tonight - waiting for buses and for the man to photocopy the charts took up all our day - so nothing exciting to report I'm afraid.

Hopefully our trip to the supermarket and the laundry will be more exciting for you! See life on the high seas isn't all pirates, sun and sand - its scrubbing the decks - feeding the crew - and washing me undies in a bucket!

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