Friday, March 19, 2010

An Amazing Adventure

We have returned from our trip round the Islands – what an incredible experience – this place is amazing! You think that what you see on documentaries is exaggerated, well I can honestly say that this place is even better than the tv.

We went to see a local tour guide to see if there were any spaces left on the local cruise boats, most people who are here on the Blue Water Rally had booked theirs over a year ago – but us non BWR are rebels and decided to leave it to the last minute. As per usual Nigel left all the talking to me! We told her that we wanted 4/5 day tour and asked what was available, there are dozens of small tour boats that do the rounds, for around $1500 you get a bunk/food and tour guide. Geoconza (strange name) asked me straight away where my accent was from? As usual I said English – she said No No – where in England? Norfolk says me! Thought so says she – I worked in Suffolk – us Norfolk/ Suffolk girls we stick together! I’ll find you something!

Find us something! Let me tell you – we had a suite, separate toilet and dresser, we had a BATH in a separate room off our cabin, and to top it all we had our own balcony, along with food and cocktails. Normal price was $2500 each – we paid $700! So you see at times it does come in handy to have a good old Norfolk accent!

We have had an amazing time, doing and seeing things that we never thought that we would ever do. We were swimming with sharks, lolling around on beaches with sealions, a hair’s breath away from penguins, and we became quite blasé about iguanas (marine iguanas are by the way the most ugliest animal/reptile I have ever seen!). Billy the official Galapagos guide( you are not allowed anywhere without an official guide) made the tour for us, he was so knowledgeable and passionate about the wildlife here, he knew where to find everything and knew everything about each animal we came across.

So what have we done? Well the next few pages of my blog will be about some of the things we have seen and done. I don’t really want to bore you with all the in’s and out’s but I’m going to split it into 2 parts – one page for the land and the other for the sea. Unfortunately we don’t have an underwater digital camera so not too many shots from under the sea, we do have a couple that we got from a Swiss guy onboard.

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