Monday, March 22, 2010

Pollywogs and Shellbacks

Well Honalee has now officially crossed the equator and in true mariner style we held a ‘Crossing the Line Ceremony’. Neptune (Nigel) summoned the 2 Pollywogs onboard (Ted and myself) to be on deck addressed in the appropriate attire.

For those of you that aren’t familiar with crossing the line, Pollywogs are those that have never crossed the line, where as those that have are called Shellbacks. Nigel already being a hardened Shellback was Neptune’s helper, Neptune communing with him through a conch shell (in our case the measuring jug). We duly paid our dues through a series of forfeits and the eating and drinking of disgusting items and drinks ie oysters, anchovies and a shot of extra strong rum, washed down by a bottle of champagne.

So here are the photo’s for you! Ted will never live this one down and we intend to make sure that copies of this make it’s way to the Swan Inn in Olney to all his old drinking buddies. As a foot note – a message was put into the champagne bottle and set on its way. Normally we try not to littler the ocean but we thought that on this occasion we would in time honour tradition put a message in a bottle. Who ever finds it has been directed to Ted’s pub in Olney!

PS Sorry folks, internet too slow today to downloard photos!

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