Friday, March 19, 2010

Finding Nemo!

Well if anyone had told me that I would ever swim with sharks, let alone Nigel (who has had a life long fear of things that lurk in the sea) then I would never have believed them! This week I have swum within a few feet of 2/3 metre sharks, we didn’t see a hammer head but we were told that if we had we could have got within 20 feet or so. Sharks here don’t bother people (?) as there is too much marine life for them to go hungry.

One morning a huge manta ray came gliding past as we were snorkelling, apparently they are deep water fish so we were incredibly lucky to see it. It was amazing to see this giant ray in amongst the 10 of us, just glided on by, with 10 of us fast on it’s tail. Seal lions would swim right up to us and play around us as we snorkelled, if you blow air bubbles at them they blow them right back at you. Nigel and I had a big male come and swim around us as we dived off the reef. There were so many reef fish that it would be boring to tell you all of the fish that we came across, but we did come across Nemo and his buddies.

One thing I must mention, we were snorkelling above a huge shoal of fish (millions to be precise) we were all hovering above them when suddenly huge reef sharks appeared from under the shoal, darting in and out feeding as we watched – incredible! The same dive we came across a turtle busily grazing on the bottom, it didn’t faze it at all that he had us all peering down on him.

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