Thursday, February 11, 2010

Don't Lick Toads!

We had some excitement in the marina last night around supper time, one of the boats in the marina has 2 Jack Russels onboard and one of them had suddenly taken a bad turn and was dying. We had people rushing round boats looking for anti histamine and believe it or not Ventolin inhaler, it was thought that the dog had been bitten by a snake.

Luckily I carry really strong antihistmine and I had my inhaler - so with a saline drip kindly given from one of the super yachts alongside and my inhaler stuck down the dogs throat it survived the night. It is now in the vets hospital in Colon and should make a full recovery. It turned out it wasn't a snake bite but a toad! it had obviously found one in the grass and went to investigate - stuck its nose on the toad and went into anaphalactic shock - hence DON'T LICK TOADS IN THE JUNGLE!

Our resident alligator turned up in the marina 2 nights ago and was dully chased off by the night watchman. Our waterline really needs scrubbing but I think that it can wait until we get to the Las Perlas Islands, it really isn't safe to even sit in the dinghy and lean over the side.

I had my first attempt at making bread this morning - I think I need some practise! my bread rolls turned out like grapeshot, still I guess we could throw them at the 'gators. It dosn't help having an oven that will not heat up and a grill that hasn't worked for years - if it can't be cooked in a pressure cooker on Honalee then forget it. Lots of nice warm stews to look forward to on the equator then!

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