Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Paradise Found!

Monday 18th January

We have found a small spot in paradise! At lunch time today we arrived in the San Blas Islands, checking into the capitol Porvenir at the western end of the archipelago. The islands are a bunch of desert islands on the north coast of Panama inhabited by the Kuna Indians. Well I say capitol - and I use the term lightly, this place is about 1 acre in size , split in 2 by a small run way which is home to Porvenir International Airport.

On arrival we duly checked into ‘Immigration’, oh what a joy to behold! There sat the immigration officer in his baseball top in an office that I can only liken to Mr Legg’s milking parlour in our old village of Trematon – passports stamped and then onto the ‘Customs Man’ - next door ‘office’ (just as salubrious) hand over $26 and that’s us checked into Panama – Welcome to life in the San ~Blas!

We hadn’t been here for 10 minutes when out rowed the ladies selling their ‘molas’ no not teeth but an embroidered square that takes about a week to hand sew, some are very intricate and cost from $5 upwards – I intend to buy several of these for my girlfriends back home. Next to come our way was the man selling the lobsters, unfortunately some flaming great Irish boat got in between Ted and his much longed for lunch – sorry all sold out - I come back manana! Much swearing was had!

After we’d checked in with immigration we asked the all important question – do you have a bar? Si Senor its on the other side of the runway at the Hotel Porvenir. So we walked the 100 yards to the ‘Hotel’ sat down under the big palm covered bar and ordered 3 cold ones from Frederico, the owner/bar man/cook/flight controller/baggage handler. Here we met ‘Hap’ an Hawaiian carpenter on his holidays – a spaced out ex Vietnam vet – great guy who introduced us to ‘Charlie’ the mayor of Porvenir. Charlie must be 80 if he’s a day, wears beer bottle glasses as he’s as blind as a bat and dresses like a chav in his Nike joggers and baseball top. Charlie and his brothers Frederico and Jesus run Porvenir – the Kuna Mafia! You want to know anything - Charlie’s your man!

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