Monday, February 8, 2010

Peace for a short while!

Nigel and Ted have gone and left me for 24 hours! they have volunteered to be line handlers for some friends as they transit the canal, most peole do this to get experience before taking their own boat through. So I have had the boat to myself, spent last evening with the guys from Mercury Rising watching the Superbowl on Panamanian TV.

Life on the boat is VERY hot! most days its 32*+ so we tend to get work done early in the morning before the decks get too hot. Its not too bad when you are alongside in a great marina like this but once we get through the other side we are on our own regarding water and electric. We make our own electric via the wind generator and the solar panels, hopefully when Jimmy turns up next week with our new watermaker we will hopefully be self sufficient in power and water. Food is another totally different matter! Ted has an addiction to evaporated milk, we figured that with his present consumption we would have to buy at least a 100 tins of it alone let alone the tinned pears that he likes to accompany it! Storage is of a premium, Nigel had better start catching these tuna's and dorado's that he keeps telling us about!

I've posted some more photo's of our trip to the San Blas - hope you like them!

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